lunes, 20 de abril de 2020




Here are the question words and their functions:
‘What’ is used when asking for information about something, as in:
§  What did you do last evening?
§  What would you like for dinner?
§  What did you say when you were caught?

‘When’ is used when asking for the time, as in:
§  When do you arrive?
§  When is the show?
§  When did that happen?

‘Where’ is used when asking for the place, as in:

§  Where do we go now?
§  Where have you kept the book?
§  Where do you go for your tuitions?

‘Who’ is used when asking for identity of person or persons, as in:
§  Who is that?
§  Who wrote Moby Dick?
§  Who called earlier?

‘Whose’ is used when asking about possession, as in:
§  Whose car is this?
§  Whose place are you staying at?
§  Whose are these shoes?

‘Which’ is used to ask about choice, as in:
§  Which flavour of ice cream would you like?
§  Which route do you think we should take?
§  Which of the two is better?

‘Why’ is used when asking for reasons, as in:
§  Why would you say something like that?
§  Why does the food smell bad?
§  Why did you not go for work today?

‘How’ is used when asking about the manner or quality or condition, as in:

§  How did you do that?
§  How was the movie?
§  How is life?


Las preguntas informativas se conocen en inglés como information questions  o Wh- questions. Puedes usar estas preguntas para preguntar sobre hechos o verdades generales, hábitos, horarios y mucho más.

Grammar structure

Wh + do/does + subject + verb + complement ?

Do or Does?

• Si el sujeto de la pregunta es shehe o it, se usa does.
• Para todos los otros sujetos (I, you, we, they), se usa do.
Por ejemplo:
What does he play?
He plays violin.
Where do you study?
I study in Amina Melendro de Pulecio.
When does Camila travel to Bogotá?

Camila travels to Bogotá after the quarantine.

Observa los siguientes vídeos explicativos 
 vídeo 1
vídeo 2

Realiza los ejercicios de multiple choice, matching, test 2 y test 3 del  siguiente link

Elabora una wh question por cada oración que contenga la información subrayada. Esta te dará una pista de cual wh utilizar.

Sarah lives in a small flat in Bogotá .  In the mornings, she wakes up and has a shower.  Then, She usually has a typical Colombian breakfast with eggs, arepa and chocolate. After that, she goes to work in National Bank.

She sits in front of the computer all day and writes  e-mails. She doesn’t like her job very much because It`s so boring, but she likes earning money. At 12 o’clock she goes to lunch and has a sandwich. After lunch, she comes back to work and writes more emails. She leaves work in the evening.

Escribe una wh question con los siguientes verbos. Utiliza el auxiliar indicado y responde las preguntas con creatividad.


  • jump                                
  • walk
  • send
  • cry
  • read
  • run
  • play
  • ride
  • whistle     
  • wash


  • dry
  • watch
  • kiss
  • drink
  • mix
  • cook
  • clean
  • understand
  • push
  • build

Envía los trabajos a mi correo.

3 comentarios:

  1. Maestra podemos ir adelantando los temas en el cuaderno?

  2. Si ustedes deben tomas apuntes en el cuaderno y las actividades que están especificadas aquí con el título mis tareas son las que me deben enviar.



  ¡¡ DEAR STUDENTS !! La herramienta que estamos utilizando a partir del 26 de mayo por unificación de criterios es Google Classroom....